If you’re interested in trying Yoga as a means of getting into better shape and improving your overall health, then you need to spend some time learning about Shapeshifter Yoga. What is Yoga and why do you need to learn about it? Yoga is an ancient discipline that is now often practiced in modern times due to the health benefits that it offers. Yoga builds lean muscle, burns fat, improves flexibility, and can help to reduce stress levels. There are numerous other potential health benefits that Yoga provides as well, making it something that should be a part of your fitness routine. While the health benefits of Yoga are well known, what you may not be as clear about is why you should choose Shapeshifter Yoga instead of another Yoga program.
Shapeshifter Yoga Was Created By An Expert
Shapeshifter Yoga was created by Kris Fondran, an expert that has practiced Yoga for over 12 years. In addition to her experience practicing Yoga she also has a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science. What this adds up to is someone that you can trust to show you the right way to practice Yoga. With Kris Fondran’s help, you’ll learn the basics then progress into more advanced poses. The entire journey she’ll be there showing you how to do everything and ensuring that you don’t make mistakes that can lead to injuries. Even if you are not in great shape and have never tried Yoga before, Kris Fondran can help you to master the principles of Yoga so that you can enjoy its many health benefits.
Shapeshifter Yoga Will Help You To Lose Weight And Build Lean Muscle
One of the reasons that Yoga is such a great fitness option is that it will help you to get into shape while reducing your risk of injuries. When you go to the gym and lift weights you run the risk of injuring yourself. High impact aerobic exercise is very hard on your knees and other joints. It’s important that you keep your eyes on the long term when thinking about your fitness goals. That last thing that you want is to end up injuring yourself or causing long-term joint damage while you’re trying to get into better shape.
Getting Yoga fit is possible with the help of Shapeshifter Yoga. Yoga helps to build lean muscle while also burning body fat and improving flexibility. By holding different balance poses you use the force of great to force your muscles to work against it. Since you aren’t lifting more than your body weight the chances of an injury are greatly reduced. Since you aren’t jumping or performing explosive maneuvers your chances of injury are reduced.
Shapeshifter Yoga Will Save You Time
We all lead busy lives with work and family commitments taking up a lot of our day. Ask yourself, do you really have time to drive to the gym several days a week? Probably not, but if you care about your fitness you’ve probably been conditioned to think that you have to. With Shapeshifter Yoga you’ll never have to set foot in a gym again, and you’ll get better results.
When it comes to finding downsides to Shapeshifter Yoga it’s pretty difficult to do so. It helps you get into shape, reduces your risk of injury, and improves your overall health. What else can you ask for? The only complaint that you may have is that the program will challenge you and can leave you sore, especially in the beginning. But, this is also true of any exercise program and it shows that what you are doing is working.